Tuesday, January 1, 1980

5. With Mike James, Greg Payne, Gary Eastley, Ken LeFlore, and Greg James for Aztec basketball -- The Landmark

  • Gary and I flew over, and he rented a car. We got insurance for the suspension on the car, which led to the classic act of piling six guys into it, driving as fast as we could over the huge speed bumps at the Las Vegas Hilton, and screaming "Rental!"
  • While everybody else stayed at the Las Vegas Hilton, Greg Payne and I stayed at The Landmark for $6.00 per person per night.
  • Ken was betting like a madman as usual, and when he threw down $1,000.00 at the crap table at the Hilton, a pitboss came over, introduced himself, and said, "Mr. LeFlore, if there's anything I can do for you, just let me know.

    "Later on during the day, Ken called the pitboss and said, "You know, I don't have a place to stay yet." The pitboss immediately set him up with a room at the Hilton free of charge. Then for the rest of the trip, Ken pulled stunts like calling us in our rooms directly from the crap table.
  • Although I wasn't there for this, here's how it was told to me. The guys were all going up the elevator, back to their rooms, and Ken got off at, like, the tenth floor. The rest of the guys looked at each other and said, "That wasn't his floor." So, they rode the elevator up to his floor, got off, and stood and stared at the elevator door with their arms folded in disgust. Ken eventually got off the elevator, saw everybody glaring at him, realized they had figured out he'd made a mistake, and turned beet red, at which point everybody cracked up. The funny thing about embarrassing Ken is that he got really embarrassed.
  • Mike and I had just recently gotten our Discover Cards, and since you could use them at any Sears store to get a cash advance, we would just say to each other, "I need to go to Sears," rather than, "I'm out of money; I need some more."*

    Now, previously, Gary had gone to Vegas when his sister's car had broken down, and they had had to go to Sears to get it fixed. So, since I now needed money, I asked Gary to come along to show me where the Sears was. Mike came along too. Well, Gary kept saying, "Okay, turn here," and "Okay, it's over this way," but we just weren't getting there.

    Finally, after all these instructions that Gary had been giving us, because, you know, he had been to the Sears before, he asked quite sincerely, "Is there a Sears in Las Vegas?"
  • Mike and I had a successful run playing craps at Caesars Palace, so I paid him the $200.00 I owed him, leaving me with about $300.00. We went back to the Hilton, told Gary about our good luck, and then I left to go to bed. It was about 4:00 a.m. Well, when I walked into the Landmark, I thought, "Well, might as well play some craps before bed." I proceeded to lose $270.00 by placing all the numbers every roll (my new favorite way to play), and thought, "Damnit, now I'm gonna have to borrow from Ken." I then proceeded to parlay my remaining $30.00 into the $300.00 I had started with, allowing me to go to bed and wake up the next morning and greet Mike and Gary as if nothing had happened.

*In those days, you could not use your Discover Card at ATM’s or ComCheck machines.

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