Sunday, October 30, 1994

58. With Mike Stefanidis - Harrah's, October 29-30, 1994

  • This trip was very similar to the previous trip, at least from a mechanical point of view. Mike and I left his house at 12:00 PDT on Saturday night (October 29). We got to Vegas at 3:30 a.m. PST (note the change from Daylight Saving Time to Standard Time) and played at Rio and Harrah's until about 10:00 a.m. Then we got a room and slept till about 1:00 p.m.
  • Before we went to sleep, the dice were hot and cold. At one point Mike was down to his last $50.00 out of $3,600.00, but he had a nice comeback.
  • After we woke up, it was a different story. We were on fire. Every table we went to we won. Our biggest hit came at the Flamingo. We cashed in for about $1,600.00 and cashed out for about $3,700.00. We had a lot of place and buy bets that kept hitting, especially the fours and tens. By the end of the trip we were each up $3,000.00.

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